Barmouth Railway Viaduct, Barmouth, Gwynedd, Wales
Protecting the significance of our transport infrastructure

Carliol House, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne
Objecting demolition of interwar office building in favour of refurbishment and reuse

Church of St Mael and St Silien, Corwen, Denbighshire
Carefully balancing heritage significance with the needs of the community

Church of St Peter & St Paul, Birch, Essex
Campaigning to save local church in the Birch Conservation area

Croesawdy, Newtown, Wales
Raising concern about the demolition of Victorian villa through permitted development

Former Debenhams Store, Taunton, Somerset
Promoting development of an appropriate scale in town centres

Land at Church Farm, Holton, Wincanton, Somerset
Protecting the character and significance of a village conservation area

Motor Museum, Caister Castle, West Caister, Norfolk
Ensuring suitable information is provided to justify changes to heritage assets

New garden town, Land North of the A414 at Harlow
Advocating for sensitive and sustainable new town development on land formally protected by the Green Belt

Oxgate Admiralty Citadel, Brent, London
Striving to save an important piece of London’s hidden wartime heritage from demolition

Sainsbury Wing of the National Gallery, London
Recommending withdrawal of planning application for the National Gallery’s plans for Grade I listed Sainsbury Wing

Site at St Mary-le-Port Church, High Street/Wine Street, Bristol
Defending historic buildings and places of all ages and types

St Michael’s Leper Hospital, Chapel and Master’s House, Saltisford, Warwick
Ensuring new additions do not damage the character of historic buildings

The White Horse Inn, Milford-on-Sea, Hampshire
Contributing to listing assessments for the National Heritage List for England