Your support will help us campaign and save historic buildings and places of all ages and all types.
Your support will help us assist local authorities, places of worship and building owners to manage change to the historic environment through casework.
Your support will help us encourage the study of architectural history and conservation by publishing a volume of the Journal of Historic Buildings & Places and three members’ magazines a year.
Your support will also help us to organise our annual series of events and Annual Lecture, our AGM and to award the Stephen Croad Prize each year to encourage architectural research and writing.
Each year, our members receive:

A 150-page volume of the Journal of Historic Buildings & Places, comprising papers on a wide variety of subjects such as: The Saving of Holland House, the career of 17th century freemason Sampson Frisby, and Mies van der Rohe’s unbuilt design for the City of London.

Three copies of our 32-page colour magazine, Heritage Now. Each edition will be packed with news from the Society, casework notes and articles relating to conservation and preservation of historic buildings and places.

Invitations to a great variety of historic sites in the company of likeminded enthusiasts – including professionals in the field and those who simply like old buildings.
Our members will also receive:
- Online and in-person lectures
- Annual Lecture
- The opportunity to attend our Annual General Meeting, which takes place in June or July, and is held in a building of historic or architectural significance. This includes a talk on the buildings, a tour, and refreshments. Past AGMs have been held in Middle Temple Hall, Birmingham Town Hall, and Birkbeck Hall at the Great Hospital, Norwich
- Our new members are posted a welcome pack upon joining with the latest copy of our Journal and member’s magazine, Heritage Now. New members also receive a welcome e-mail and will be added to our E-Newsletter mailing list.
We are delighted that you will be joining us as a member...
Simply select a UK or international membership, then the membership type you wish to purchase on the form linked below; payment can be made online (please note that Historic Buildings & Places is the working name of the Ancient Monuments Society. Payments taken will be made to the Ancient Monuments Society).
Any questions? Contact the office on 020 7236 3934.
As a registered charity we benefit from Gift Aid on subscriptions. Gift Aid Declarations are also available from the office.
Please select if you would like a UK membership or an international membership:

International Membership
Renew your membership by Direct Debit on 1 January each year
If you are joining us as a new member, once you have taken out membership via PayPal please also consider filling out a Direct Debit form so future subscription payments can be taken automatically on 1 January each year, without the need for reminders. This is of huge help to us.
If you are an existing member and would like to switch to Direct Debit for all membership renewals from 2022, click through to fill out the form. (Please note this will not cancel any Standing Orders you have active – you will need to contact your bank to do this.)
For any questions about Direct Debits or alternative payment methods, please call the office on 020 7236 3934.
Gift membership
A subscription to Historic Buildings & Places makes a great present. If you are buying a Gift Membership, select ‘Gift Membership’ in the Member details section on the linked form above.
The gift of Life Membership is also available at £1000 (Individual), for those who wish to make a more substantial commitment to our work.
