Job Opportunities

Historic Buildings & Places works to sustain, defend and promote all aspects of the built historic environment, for the benefit of all. But we can't achieve our vision without you. Current job vacancies will be listed below.

Volunteer Trustee

Historic Buildings & Places is one of the National Amenity Societies — an independent charity with a mission to sustain, defend, and promote all aspects of the built historic environment for the benefit of everyone, encompassing buildings and places of all ages and types. We take a particular interest in everyday heritage.

We are looking to add two new trustees to help us run the charity, supplementing and widening the skills, expertise, and experiences already present on the board. We welcome individuals who can bring fresh perspectives. We are especially interested in skills across a range of areas, including evaluation and research, participation and community engagement, membership organisations, business development and project delivery, as well as a general legal understanding.

Additionally, we are particularly interested in recruiting younger people and those who can offer new insights to the board. Previous experience as a Trustee is not required. 

The board meets four times a year, typically for about 2–3 hours on a weekday afternoon. All meetings are held in a hybrid format, allowing participation either in person in London or via Zoom. Trustees receive papers in advance of board meetings. An Annual General Meeting is also held once a year.

New trustees will undergo a comprehensive induction process, including the opportunity to meet the staff and receive a briefing on their responsibilities and duties. Ongoing support and mentoring will be provided through a ‘buddy’ system, pairing new trustees with an existing board member for guidance and assistance.

Find out more and view our full recruitment pack here. 

To apply for the role of Trustee, please send an email with a covering letter and CV to

Closing date for applications: 28th March 2025 

Interviews will take place online with members of our recruitment panel on Friday 25th April.